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Rainville 1.8.0
Friable Rocks!
!!! Features- Cleanly Design;- Simplify, Easy and comfortable to navigation;- Headset Output Only, Does't disturb other people;- Many types of Rain Sound;- HD Sounds Quality;- That's All Free, And Open Source!!!!! UsageNoise MaskingYour worst enemy can sometimes also be your best friend. Thenoises you will find here are of the second league, and will helpyou in masking noise you don't want to hear. Some people find itimpossible to read, study, work, or do pretty much anything in thepresence of undesired noise. Noise blockers usually use whitenoise, a continuum of frequencies equally distributed over thewhole hearing range, which will mask the other noises in the room.This website introduces the concept of frequency-shaped noises,focusing on the frequencies one wants to effectively block. Thisensures higher efficiency, and quieter masking levels.At the OfficeOpen offices can be either too quiet or too noisy. In onesituation, the slightest sound becomes distracting; in the other,ambient noise makes it impossible to concentrate. Open officesoften benefit from sound masking devices, as the added noise coversexisting sounds in the area, making workers less distracted andmore productive.On another issue, private offices often appear to provideprivacy but are poor performers in terms of acoustics. Soundmasking between adjacent offices can be used to ensure thatconfidential conversations remain confidential. Either the maskingsound is played inside the room where privacy should be guaranteed,or on the outside, depending on the application. For example, adoctor who does not want those in the waiting room to overhear aprivate conversation with a patient, will provide sound masking inthe waiting area, not in his office.Baby SleepNoises and noisescapes are known to help soothe the babies tosleep, and sleep through the night. It helps parents too, when allsleep in the same room: healthy sleeping newborns can be prettynoisy as they move and make noises while they sleep. Playing somelow-level noise in your bedroom will help you sleep through thewiggles and soft squeals your baby makes.RelaxationSound affects many areas of the brain and has an undeniableeffect on the body. A good way to test if a particular sound isrelaxing to you is to check your pulse: if it slows down, then youhave found the sound that is calming you. Keep listening to it andyou will relax, reaching a state of increased calmness and reducingyour levels of anxiety, stress, or anger.Sound TherapySound Therapy was common in the world of the Ancient Greeks.Pythagoreans used mathematical techniques to create harmonicstructures for emotional balance, spiritual and relationshiphealing, and overall health. Although science and medicine evolvedin the meanwhile - harmonic structures are now perfectly understoodas resulting from the laws of physics - many people still rely onsounds as a natural healing method, with numerous successes and noside effects yet known. myNoise offers different tonal noisescharacterized by rich harmonic structures.
五十音圖 2.2.0
Friable Rocks!
Material new design style Japanese syllabary mnemonic tool to helpyou quickly master syllabary!